Mixero API Documentation

Welcome to the Mixero API documentation. This documentation provides comprehensive information about our COINJOIN and ADVANCED APIs.


All API requests require authentication using an API key. Include your API key in each request using the api_key parameter.

Important: Keep your API key secure and never share it publicly.


The COINJOIN API allows you to create and manage coin mixing transactions with multiple outputs.

GET /coinjoin?generate_api_key

Generate API Key

Generate a new API key for authentication.

Response Example:

    "api_key": "your-new-api-key",
    "success": true
GET /coinjoin?create_order

Create Order

Create a new mixing order with multiple outputs.


Parameter Type Description
api_key string Your API key
percentage_fees float Fee percentage (0.7 - 4.7)
delay integer Delay in hours (0 - 168)
destination_address_1...5 string Bitcoin addresses for outputs
percentage_1...5 float Percentage for each output (total must be 100)

Response Example:

    "order_id": "abc123",
    "deposit_address": "bc1q...",
    "destination_addresses": ["bc1q...", "bc1q..."],
    "percentage_fees": 1.5,
    "percentages": [60, 40],
    "delay": 24,
    "success": true
GET /coinjoin?lookup

Lookup Order

Check the status of an existing order.


Parameter Type Description
api_key string Your API key
order_id string The order ID to look up

Order Status:

pending No funds received yet
processing Funds received and being processed
finished Transaction completed

Response Example:

    "order_id": "abc123",
    "deposit_address": "bc1q...",
    "destination_addresses": ["bc1q...", "bc1q..."],
    "percentage_fees": 1.5,
    "percentages": [60, 40],
    "delay": 24,
    "status": "processing",
    "transaction_id": "txid..."  // Only present when status is "finished"
GET /coinjoin?letter

Letter of Guarantee

Get a letter of guarantee for an order.


Parameter Type Description
api_key string Your API key
order_id string The order ID to get the letter for


The ADVANCED API provides simpler mixing operations with single output.

GET /advanced?generate_api_key

Generate API Key

Generate a new API key for authentication.

Response Example:

    "api_key": "your-new-api-key",
    "success": true
GET /advanced?create_order

Create Order

Create a new mixing order with single output.


Parameter Type Description
api_key string Your API key
percentage_fees float Fee percentage (1.9 - 4.7)
destination_address string Bitcoin address for output

Response Example:

    "order_id": "abc123",
    "deposit_address": "bc1q...",
    "destination_address": "bc1q...",
    "percentage_fees": 2.5,
    "success": true
GET /advanced?lookup

Lookup Order

Check the details of an existing order.


Parameter Type Description
api_key string Your API key
order_id string The order ID to look up

Response Example:

    "order_id": "abc123",
    "deposit_address": "bc1q...",
    "destination_address": "bc1q...",
    "percentage_fees": 2.5
GET /advanced?letter

Letter of Guarantee

Get a letter of guarantee for an order.


Parameter Type Description
api_key string Your API key
order_id string The order ID to get the letter for

Response Example:

    "letter": "Letter of guarantee content...",
    "success": true

Rate Limits

Rate Limit: Each API key is limited to 150 requests per day.